For admission to the master's programme qualifying graduates for the profession of informatics engineer,applicants must have previously acquired the competences listed in section 3 of the Ministerial Order 12977 stipulating the requirements for verifying official higher education qualifications for the exercise of the profession of informatics engineer (BOE 4 August 2009). Also, students shall have received an education conforming to the provisions of section 5 of Ministerial Order 12977.
The Master in Informatics Engineering Academic Commission is the body responsible for student admission to the programme. The degree programme selection and admission requirements, subject to assessment by the Master's Academic Committee are:
1.Student academic education and academic record, rated from 0 to 50%.
2.Student professional experience, particularly activities related to areas akin to the admissions profile, rated from 0 to 20%.
3.A statement of purpose that candidates are required to submit, expressing their interest in studying for the master's degree and reasoning the specific subject that they would like to research if admitted, rated from 0 to 10%.
4.Recommendation letters submitted by accredited professionals in scientific and professional fields related to the master's programme, rated from 0 to 10%.
5.Interview, if any, held with a member of the Master's Porgramme Academic Committee, rated from 0 to 10%.
If the canditate's academic education is insufficient for admission, the Master's Programme Academic Committee shall establish the bridge courses that it considers necessary, assuring that the total duration of the student's undergraduate and master's courses is not less than 300 ECTS credits. These bridge courses consist of Bachelor in Informatics Engineering subjects now taught at the Facultad de Informática.
Bridge courses are intended to assure that students who access the Master in Informatics Engineering have acquired the competences listed in section 3 of Ministerial Order 12977 stipulating the requirements for verifying official higher education qualifications for the exercise of the profession of informatics engineer (BOE 4 August 2009). Also, students shall have received an education conforming to the provisions of section 5 of Ministerial Order 12977.
Guide students to apply the knowledge that they have learned, in the real world, that is, in a teamwork environment realistically reproducing the conditions that they are likely to encounter in their future workplace.
Related to the subject of specialization.
Preferably at a company or alternatively in any Facultad de Informática research laboratory.The assignment will be completed by groups of 5 or 6 students coordinated by a practical assignment supervisor.
Associated specific competences:
Subject-specific competences associated with the informatics technology module related to the assignment topic, plus:
SC16.-Ability to make connections between consumer or customer needs and requirements and what technology can offer.
SC17.-Ability to decide whether to acquire, develop or implement technology across the broad range of the company's or institution's of process, product and service categories.
SC18.-Ability to understand the market, trends and needs for technology products or services.
SC19.-Ability to develop and implement a software solution in a business environment.
Practical assignment Organization:
The Master's Programme Academic Committee will open, each semester, a call for submission of applications for the realization of the PA in the next semester.
1.the student must get information about the profile and activity of the partner companies that collaborate with the Faculty in the PA (see the COLFI page).
2. The student must send a CV and a declaration of interests on the enterprise / topic where he /she would like to make the PA. Attaching a brief justification to the following address: masterii@fi.upm.es (Subject:Practical assignment's documentation).
3. The documentation received will be sent to companies for the student's selection process.
Once the student is selected by a company, he/ she must communicate it by e-mail to COLFI (colfi@fi.upm.es) and to the Master's Programme Academic Committee (masterii@fi.upm.es).
Practical assignment enrollment:
The enrollment should be done within the regular registration period established in each semester.
Practical assignment monitoring:
Once enrollment is done, the student must have a meeting with his/her external tutor in order to generate a work plan. Maximum extent of the document should be 4 pages and shall include the following:
1.- General description of the work
2.- Objectives
3.- Gantt chart with the timing
4.- Brief report of the external tutor giving approval to the student's proposed work plan.
This work plan shall be submitted through "Aula Virtual" (https://web3.fi.upm.es/AulaVirtual) within 30 days from the starting date of the Practical Assignment in the company.
Practical assignment evaluation:
By the end of the internship in the company, the student shall submit a report that matches the model approved by the Master's Programme Academic Committee and available at Aula Virtual (https://web3.fi.upm.es/AulaVirtual). In addition, the external tutor of the Practical Assignment shall make a brief report evaluating the work done by the student and complete the rubrics document.The COLFI will be responsible for all the paperwork which the external tutor is involved in. The internal tutor, given the committee resolution, will issue the corresponding certificates.
Practical Assignment Recognition
The application for recognition of professional experience will be presented at the Center's registry. It must include the skills developed during their stay in the company (listed on the back of the application).
The Master's Final Project involves the completion, submission and defence of an original piece of research by students individually before a higher education board once all they have earned all the curriculum credits.
A comprehensive, professional informatics engineering project that synthesizes the skills learned as part of the master's programme.
Students have the choice of completing their project at the Facultad de Informática, at an external academic or research centre, preferably abroad, or at any company with which the Faculty has an educational agreement (http://www.upm.es/alumnos/intercambios/Bases_Datos_Empresas.html).
Specific competences related to the project topic, plus:
SC16.-Ability to make connections between consumer or customer needs and requirements and what technology can offer.
SC17.-Ability to decide whether to acquire,develop or implement technology across the broad range of the company's or institution's process, product and service.
SC18.-Ability to understand the market, trends and needs for technology products or services.
SC19.-Ability to develop and implement a software solution in a business environment.
Master's Final Project Organization:
Each semester,the Master's Academic Committee will publish a call for applications from students due to enrol for their MFP in the following six months. Students must attach the following information: topic, place where the project is to be developed and advisor. If students fail to provide any of the requested information, the Master's Academic Committee will make the respective assignment.