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Summer School "Urban Laboratory" (10-15 September 2018) in Lodz, Poland - Call for applications

Announcement. Sent by orex valid from 12/07/2018 until 11/08/2018 (expired)

Buenos días estudiantes,

Repasamos esta convocatoria para un Summer School en la Lodz University of Technology. Esperando que sea de vuestro interés, dejamos el mensaje recibido:


Dear Colleagues,



It is our pleasure to cordially invite your students to take part in the Summer School "Urban Laboratory" organized with the cooperation of the International Coperation Centre and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology.



The registration is open until 21th July. The attached application forms should be sent (signed and scanned) back to krzysztof.podstawek@p.lodz.pl We will confirm the participation until mid-August.



The tuition fee is 70 EUR however the accommodation and food (partially) are guaranteed. More information and the registration form are also available on our website: https://www.ife.p.lodz.pl/en/Urban-Laboratory-2018



We invite both students and academic staff to contact us directly for more information. Please promote this message among your students. 


We are looking forward to welcoming your students in Łódź! Grab this opportunity while places are still available!