The aim of this project is to offer new first-year students guidance when they first join the Facultad de Informática. Senior students will be responsible for giving this guidance. These students will hold regular meetings with their mentored students to deal with subjects of potential interest. The senior students will be coordinated by a group of professors who will provide support and assess their mentoring work.
Register for the Mentor Project and make the most of your first year at the Facultad de Informática.
Additionally, it will help you to get to know fellow students and form an idea about what direction you want your passage through the Facultad de Informática to take.
Mentors will meet with their mentored students once a week or fortnight in the complementary activities time slot or at the convenience of all the team members. Each meeting will address the issues that most interest the mentored students chosen from the topics proposed the week before.
Contact the Office of the Associate Dean for Student Affairs for any further information about this project.
Students that have passed all your first-year subjects are eligible to be mentors. As mentors you can develop key work skills (leadership, team management, communication...) and receive special-purpose training for your job as mentor. You will take a free choice credit subject worth 4.5 credits, and your main responsibility will be to prepare and hold a weekly or fortnightly meeting with your mentored students throughout the first term, fill in a report for each meeting and draft a final report.
You will have a tutor to provide guidance during your mentor work and a training seminar specially focused on what your job as a mentor is. This will be held on 6 and 8 September 2011.
Associate Dean for Student Affairs